Runway Animation for Genesis 9
December 29, 2022
Ultimate Female Size Set Morphs G9
December 29, 2022Description:
Little females (short women) with big sizes may be inaccurate or tall women with small sizes also can be inaccurate -reason: it is against nature. In nature tall needs to be big and little needs to be small this is natural direction. Part of work was automatic so extreme morphs may be little inacurate.
All sizes as close as we coud create after European BURDA(style) fashion house. Please check its on line size tables.
Fashion Avatars Morphs G8F is a set of 90 morphs for fashion creation and or character creation just pick body size and add face. Item intended for self transfer of OBJs or FBXs into MarvelousDesigner as avatars for clothes creation, perfect for various in size 2d patterns export (but you need to know how to do this, tutorial not included).