HL Platform Sandal Heel Pump for Genesis 9, 8, and 8.1
March 6, 2023
Space Soldier Suit for Genesis 9
March 6, 2023Description:
Add another cool item to your collection of SynfulMindz' suits, your Genesis8Female will
truly look great in it!
We designed an extraordinray suit for awesome scenes.
You get:
-Ceremony Suit for Genesis8Female
-6Mats, iray optimized
Included Morphs:
Sakura8, Charlotte8, Olympia8, Victoria8
BodySize, BodybuilderSize, FitnessSize, Heavy
PearFigure, Voluptuous
BreastsCleavage, BreastsDiameter, BreastsHeavy,
BreastsImplants, BreastsImplantsL, BreastsImplantsR
BreastsShape01, BreastsShape02, BreastsShape03
BreastsShape04, BreastsShape05, BreastsShape06
BreastsShape07, BreastsShape08
BreastsSize, BreastsUnderCurve
ForearmsSize, UpperArmsSize
GlutesSize, ThighsTone
Adjust BackL, Adjust BackR
Adjust BreastCenter-Y, Adjust BreastCenter-Z
Adjust BreastLInside, Adjust BreastLOutside, Adjust BreastLTop
Adjust BreastLUnderside, Adjust BreastL-Z
Adjust BreastRInside, Adjust BreastROutside, Adjust BreastRTop
Adjust BreastRUnderside, Adjust BreastR-Z
Adjust CollarLBack, Adjust CollarLFront, Adjust CollarLTop
Adjust CollarRBack, Adjust CollarRFront, Adjust CollarRTop
Adjust Crotch, Adjust CrotchBack, Adjust CrotchFront
Adjust ForearmL, Adjust ForearmR
Adjust GluteL, Adjust GluteR
Adjust HipBackL, Adjust HipBackR
Adjust HipFrontL, Adjust HipFrontR
Adjust HipL, Adjust HipR
Adjust InflateBreastL, Adjust InflateBreastR
Adjust NippleL, Adjust NippleR
Adjust ShinL, Adjust ShinR
Adjust ShoulderL, Adjust ShoulderR
Adjust ThighL, Adjust ThighR
Adjust ThighSpreadL, Adjust ThighSpreadR