STZ Small room 5
October 24, 2021
Valley Guardian
October 24, 2021Description:
Any walk along a rocky cliff path in the temperate world will cause you to stumble across Tiny Plants - Flowering Sea Thrift — or Armeria maritima. These little gems cling to rocks and cracks all over alpine slopes, coastal cliffs, and even walls and buildings. Lovely green mounds of tiny leaves and lollypop stems of pink or white flowers litter the ground like little pink jewels!
It has a garden variety too. Both forms are included in this great big bundle of tiny plants, and there are 4 color choices, ranging from subtle variations of pale pink and white to in-your-face cerise and ruby shades more at home in a garden border.
As always, a little variation in Y-axis rotation and scale, coupled with the material options included and using Iray's powerful material handling capabilities, gives you the most realistic possible plants with as little strain on your computer's resources as possible! And use the 7 alternate material options to choose from too to give subtle or not-so-subtle variations in the look of flowers.
These tiny plants are as much at home in a pot as on a rock face! The choice is yours, but rest that if you include them in any of your renders, not only will they add color and beauty, but they'll also add an air of realism that only tiny plants like this can do