4P For G8
July 5, 2019
Aston Martin Vantage 2019
July 6, 2019Description:
In today's world of video instruction, some tutorial authors forget to teach the ABCs. They skim over the principles that encourage a modeler to create a firm foundation for a model and go right to the fancy stuff. That may be the way to get a viewer's attention, but what happens when the fancy stuff results in an unusable model?
Many of us have probably spent hours working on an intricate mesh only to find, at exactly the wrong moment, that the model won't do what we want it to do. Then what? Do we wish we could time travel to our first year of high school and enroll in Modeling 101? Of course not! Who wants to dodge hovering rulers and flying spitballs? No, most of us wish that someone would teach us the basics of good modeling, in the comfort of our own home, in front of our own computer.
That is precisely what this video tutorial aims to do, and its target audience is wide. If you can draw a box in your modeler, you can work through this tutorial. All you need is approximately 90 minutes and the willingness to watch, practice and learn.
"So what will I learn?"
I'm glad you asked. You will learn the why behind the how. You will learn the theory that spawns the practice. In plain English, you'll learn basic modeling techniques, along with tips that lead you through gray areas, such as the questionable fog that surrounds troublesome triangles and the nasty ngon. You will also pick up the nuts and bolts of structure, such as where to place clean polygons that turn a clunker into a sleek model, just by bouncing a few light rays off strategic locations.
Many modelers DO find themselves at their wit's end on occasion, and why? The modeler failed to utilize good foundational technique. Ping! Back to the drawing board.
Files are broken, please reupload.
there’s nothing in this rar archive except two files adwd-wstrnsadlebridle03-dif.jpg and adwd-wstrnsadlebridle03-spec.jpg which even couldn’t be unrared… it’s a nice joke, but will you ever fix it?
Thank you! You’re one of the most responsive admins I’ve ever seen.
Thank you! 🙂