Bast Hair for Victoria 4
December 25, 2017Rockstar Series: Modern 5 String Bass for G3 & G8 – DS
December 25, 2017
Give your Genesis 3 Female timeless style in this gorgeous full length dress with subtle soft cottony textures for Iray and 3Delight and beautifully elegant draped morphs to match the Genesis 3 Female Base Fashion Poses.;
Additionally, there are draped morphs for the pose set that give you options for windblown effects or slightly naughty pulled up skirts
All of the pose matching morphs for this dress come in both a loose flowing and snug fitted sleeve variation.
Also included is a low poly sub'd version of the dress with 7,850 vertices and all of the same features as the main dress.
Please see the promo images for details of the draped morph options.