PRO-HDR-SKIES Vol_1 for TerraDome 3
March 20, 2018Adonia G8F
March 20, 2018
PRO-HDR-SKIES Vol_2 contains 10 professionally lit fantasy type skies for TerraDome 3 (Daz Studio Iray Edition).
Focusing on fantasy skies each 32bit HDR spherical panorama has been meticulously re-lit from the ground up with professional HDR lighting software. As in TerraDome 3 and PRO-HDR-SKIES Vol_1 the light has been finely tuned to the correct intensity and color temperature and will give coverage across the entire TerraDome 3 environment.
PRO-HDR-SKIES Vol_2 can be used to light any Daz Studio Iray environment and does not require TerraDome 3.
PRO-HDR-SKIES Vol_2 is the perfect accompaniment for 'Pro-Morphs-Vol2 For TerraDome 3', 'TerraShades: Fire And ice' by Traveler and 'Perilous Places' morph pack by Mortem Vetus.