TDT-Sofia for Genesis 8 Female
November 21, 2022
Beata for Genesis 8 Female
November 21, 2022Description:
There is a happy side and a dark, sad side in each of us.
Both belong to us and one should love both sides.
With Monday you have a character who loves the dark side. She avoids the day and loves the night.
She knows every horror film and could easily act in it. She loves the "color" black and she can live
very well with her sometimes melancholy streak.
Monday has a raven sense of humor and she looks forward to becoming a part of your fantasy.
What's Included:
- Monday full Character for Genesis 8 Female
Shaping Presets:
- Monday Full Apply/Rem
- Monday Head Apply/Rem
- Monday Body Apply/Rem
Material Iray Options for Genesis 8 Female:
- Monday MAT Iray Skin
- 4 Eye Colors
- 1 Eyelash
- 4 Lips Colors
- 1 i Shadow Black
- 2 Nail Colours
Options LIE presets:
• 1 Blush LIE
• 1 Face Tatto Spooky Theeth LIE
• 1 Blush LIE
. 1 Eye Shadow red LIE