Sex Arcade Cabinet
January 22, 2024
FDF Hyun Ae for G8F
January 22, 2024Description:
If you've waited this long, then wait no more! Get the bundle of 50 poses, 50 mirrored poses and accompanying expressions for G9
Give your character the sass she really wants to show! Start right here with Misfit Poses and Expressions 1 and 2. Let our own misfit Xelphy
point your character the way to sass and start her journey to general misfitery!
--Included in this package:
50 Sassy poses for Genesis 8 and 8.1
50 Mirrored Sassy poses for both Genesis 8 and 8.1
50 Upper body poses
50 Upper body poses mirrored
50 Lower body poses
48 lower body poses mirrored
50 Expressions for Genesis 8
50 Expressions for Genesis 8.1
Zero poses and expressions for Genesis 8 and 8.1
Parameter sliders for all Expressions so they can be dialed in and mixed together.