Gothic Elegancia for G3F
July 30, 2018
Off Limits for Unlimited G3F
July 30, 2018Description:
Malachai is a character that can be versatile; fantasy, science fiction, normal guy to 'wise guy' or bruiser- you can pretty much find him anywhere.
His head morphs utilize the Genesis 3 Male Head Morph pack, while the three body styles stack up for the final result.
The base body morph is made with Genesis 3 Male Body Morphs, while the first stack is made from merchant resources and tweaks in Hexagon (no additional morph packs needed) for a thicker, bulkier look to the base, and the top stack is made with Michael 7 for Genesis 3 Male.
You can use just the base, the base with the custom morphs, or all three for your needs.
He has his base Material Hierarchy settings for the body and anatomical elements, a separate anatomical element material setting, as well as a folder for the individual body materials (arms, legs, torso, face). Material settings also includes a No Brow option.
There are Eye material settings for the Base Eye, as well as 4 individual eye colors, a bloodshot sclera setting, and three fantasy eyes- Infected, More Infected and Nevermore.