Molly HD for Genesis 3 Female
February 18, 2018
Hooded Cloak for Genesis 3 Female(s)
February 18, 2018Description:
Lyra's skin was meticulously crafted from photo references, no merchant resources were used. Head and body are custom sculpted from scratch.
Her feet have been heavily sculpted which may result in shoes not fitting properly. For those cases I have included a neutralizing dial for the foot shape so you can dial them back out again. And of course you could set this to a negative value to give the feet to your other characters.
Includes natural face plus 5 base makeup options separated into eyes and lips with various additional options like metallic glitter, stripes over the eyes, dots, lashline, white eyelashes and eyebrows, flushed cheeks and 4 iris colors for lots of versatility.
You will also find a face asymmetry morph, head and body HD details, custom nipples and navel morphs that dial in automatically when you use the base morphs that come with Genesis 8 Female and material for the anatomical elements.