Blake for Genesis 3 Male(s)
April 25, 2018
dForce Palazzo Pants Outfit Textures
April 25, 2018Description:
Moxie Sparks is inspired by the flood of magical, mutant, special, and superhero teens that are in the media. She's cute AND she has some secrets... secret identities and abilities! Specially created for Teen Josie, Moxie has a lot to offer.
She has custom created skins and makeups. Some are dramatic but most are just right and a little light for a teenager. The skin is unique and created just for her; this includes her naturally asymmetrical eyebrows. There is an alt torso that hides areolas (for those outfits that are fun but cut a little low). She has the option of magic arms for when she is doing something special. These are emissive materials and look especially nice in dimmer lighting. There are 2 different no brow options, bump presets for closeup and distance and special LY Nails and Lashes.
Moxie Sparks morphs are custom made and come in HD options.
The Sparks for Moxie are not just planes but full 3d props in 3 different shapes. These are unique and created just for her. Each one has a preset that parents the prop to the left/right hand. Mix them up! Layer them up! They look amazing and custom when you start using more than one. There are 7 shaders plus emitter options to play with. Plus if you decide to switch up shaders... you can use the reset presets to quickly get the transparencies back!
Moxie Sparks has a lot to offer!