RSSY Clothing Converter from Victoria 4 to Genesis 8 Female
January 27, 2019
It’s Magic
January 27, 2019Description:
He's a lone wolf...
A mercenary...
A one man army.
He may be aging, but this cigar smoking, cycle riding guy can still hold his ground. The only area this man lacks is people skills
James for Christian 8 comes with a unique beard, spattered with gray hairs and battle claws.
Like a 5 o'clock shadow look better? You can turn the beard into stubble instead!
Required Products: Christian 8
This is one of the broken versions. They fixed this product at around January 18th.
This broken version will automatically load the James Body and Head morphs into any G8M figure you load into a scene. And I mean ANY.
Found a quick fix: open CTRLJames.dsf (in …\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Male\Morphs\Hinkypunk\James\ ) and edit the line that says [ “value” : 1 ] to [ “value” : 0 ], and it will stop “infecting” the base figure automatically every time any G8M figure is loaded.