The year is 1998. You put the shiny new disc into your PlayStation and watch as the black screen becomes speckled with tiny stars. A face appears on the screen, lit in emerald green. She walks away and the camera pans around and up, revealing a massive city lit at night. The sounds of the city fade into the orchestral music as the words "FINAL FANTASY VII" appear on the screen, followed by the triumphant synth battle victory music.
The art of Final Fantasy has paved a lot of roads and has been inspiration for many of us in the art world. Hyun Ki is my homage to my high school and college years and the many hours I spent in Gaea, inspired by the same art style we have known and loved.
Hyun Ki comes with eight fantasy eye colors and six eyeliners. The eyeliners are usable on all Genesis 8 Male's and can also be changed to any color your scene needs.