Celia For G8F
March 27, 2023
My Little Space in Nature
March 28, 2023Hi everyone, I'm noticing that many of you are finding viruses inside the files, I can assure you that there is no virus, I'm investigating why .rar files are being flagged by antivirus, if you want you can also try Virustotal which is a great site to find out if a file contains viruses, in the meantime I think I'll try switching from .rar to .zip, hoping that's the problem...
Edit: I tried updating winrar to the latest version, if that doesn't work I'll definitely switch to .zip or 7zip, let's see what happens.
Tomorrow I get the laptop I ordered, I will be able to upload something but in a limited way,because I don’t have a landline.
Then clearly when I come back, I will try to upload everything
Thank you for your kindness and generosity! We really appreciate it.
Hi, I have found that if I unpack those .rar files which are flagged by (in my case) Windows defender and pack the contents in a .zip file the problem is gone. So the problem does indeed seem to be something with the .rar files. Thanks
I can’t unpack the .rar files, I can’t do anything: my windows defender only wants to throw them away
I really suggest to use Malwarebytes instead of windows defender which is trash, I can try to use .zip but I found it a but inconvenient…
O.K. I’ll try: I don’t want to cause any problems in your precious work
No, absolutely, there is no problem,in fact, I don’t want to cause problems, however now as you may have noticed I am trying to use 7zip hopefully it will solve, 7zip often compresses even better than .RAR or .zip
7zip is the best
As a matter of fact now (with 7zip) I’m not encountering any problem: thank you
Yeah they are. Chrome loves to panic but I triple check and never been anything there.
I would love if you keep zip instead of rar indefinitely.
Zip files are a bit bigger, but they do offer the convenience of displaying the image inside the file as thumbnail, which is important when one has thousands of items backed up locally.
no problem with your .rar files and Antivirus.
Well I use Avast and never had any problems
For anyone using Chrome browser, it often tags uncommon .RAR downloads as potential threats regardless of their content.
I’ve never had a download from 3dload with any type of nasty stuff in it.
I guess .ZIP files are not tagged as they are supported natively in Windows?
I suspect that your right. Chrome has a bad habit of flagging innocent files as threats. My suggestion is to take it up with Google.
Apparently windows defender has gone crazy. Waiting for fix.
It’s not windows defender, its chrome that’s causing this mess.
I havent gotten any false positives or any warnings.
Past week or so, Windows defender has been flagging archive files. Not all, just some. Not just for this site. Some strange false positive being passed around in the anti-v world.
Conspiracy thought: Winzip found away to target those using free archive services like 7zip? lol
Side thought: I been using 7zip for so long I did not realize people were still paying Winzip lol
Hm…I’m not having any issues..but i don’t use chrome..and i have both winzip and 7zip to open zip and rar files.
Imnot finding issues with antivirus flagging the files, however I am finding that a great deal of the pre packaged assets for use with install manager are corrupt or just flat out fail. So it does look suspicious when those manifest and supplement files are innacurate and the package contents do not match as they should.
I use brave and have Windows defender, MWByte and adwcleaner. No a single alert from any rar or zip file from 3d-load ever…
Reset Malwarebites, cleared history and set the above oaxyteek.net to allow. Seems to have worked. Still getting a warning, but it allows me to continue to links.
Do not do this, this is bad advice. If your browser says that a site is not secure because of SSL protecols, bad certificates, or malicious files, that’s because… It is!
The site you’re having issues with isn’t related to GoFile, MediaFire, Mega, Google, etc. It’s the shitty AdFly site the moderator put in to earn some pennies on your clicks. Those sites are LOADED with malware.
Repeat: Do NOT disable or put in exceptions to these sites.
I have also received this message from Calix Cloud:
Warning: Visiting this site may harm your device!
attackers might attempt to trick you into installing programs that harm your browsing experience (for example, by changing your homepage or showing extra ads on sites you visit)
Cannot get to the link. Used MS Explorer, Chrome and Brave. All blocking link page even with Malwarebites disabled.
I haven’t gotten any warnings yet.
Better than Zip or RAR, you may want to consider using 7-Zip (.7z), which provides even quicker and higher compression ratios than Zip or RAR.
7-Zip is open-source and fully compatible with Zip, RAR, and dozens of other compression algorithms. 7-Zip also takes full advantage of multi-core processors for best compression/decompression speeds.
7-Zip is free and has been available for over a decade at https://7-zip.org/
[…Better than Zip or RAR, you may want to consider using 7-Zip (.7z), which provides even quicker and higher compression ratios than Zip or RAR.…]
The only plus 7-ZIP is that:
Yeah, it’s true, I’ve noticed that it’s a bit slow to compress with 24 cores, I use an Ultra compression level, and LZMA2 compression method, but in the end it’s not bad because it can compress a bit compared to zip or rar, but it’s still better than nothing… at least sometimes I can get a 75-90% compression ratio as opposed to .zip and .rar which is 99%. This happens because the files are already compressed in the .zip file inside.
In all fairness, ZIP is now a built-in function in most CPUs, while 7z is still software coded. Not all zip files and algs are created equally. Unless you have specific software, you have no control over how things get zipped. Fast, or highly compressed are not really options. It’s all about “what” you are compressing.
Semantics, I guess. Depends which side of the elephant you are standing, when drawing it.
No warnings on my side yet, and the system uses to catch everything on the fly.
I have AVG/Avast on my download pc and defender running on the daz install pc . I have not seen a flag come up from the daz stuff in years
I’ve never had any virus warning, but I have found plenty lately which were incorrectly packed.
Like: IM00089376-01_CocktailGirlOutfitSetforGenesis981and8.zip
Which then contains a folder of the same name with a content sub folder, dsx and supplement.
Plus rar files are problematic for some scanners, zip is far better being an open source protocol
never problems of virus with your files
I haven’t had a problem ^^ ♥
I use Norton 360, which catches a lot of positives and false positives from wares sites, but I’ve never had a problem with any of your rar files. I use winrar for extract.
tu maquina tienyour PC machine is the one with the virus, that is why the folders are infected with viruseses
No, i’m sure that’s not the case, I have Malwarebytes installed on my pc and I do regular checks, i’ve also tried other software such as Adwcleaner, Hitman pro etc, but nothing, i suspect it’s a problem with Winrar itself i’ve tried updating it to the latest version. If they were really infected they would also be reported by the Virustotal website.
Kaspersky Nothing happen.
Keep .zip file all the time, much better format.
pat week or so AV been going nuts on all kinds of different kind of archives, and even python files.
Windows Defender has been throwing out false positives on archived files due to its machine learning so this is probably not something you can fix. Reddit has a number of threads on this issue in r/computerviruses/
Here is one example, but there are many examples of the threats ending in !ml
Definitely is windows defender the problem here, i investigated this few days ago and came to that conclusion. I did a very thorough research, and ended up installing AVG on “minimal installation” just to deactivate Defender… and has worked great, no more false positives, and btw i see much less reading usage on my hard drives and less frequently my cpu in use(not that it matters with a 24 threads cpu anyway, but i will take it any day of the week as i live with the task manager opened lol) so a win-win scenario XD
No viruses on my side. I use windows 10 and peazip for extraction
Every file I download I un-rar and repackage into a new DAZ IM file and I’ve never found a virus in anything I’ve downloaded.
I disabled Win Defender on my machine and only use MalwareBytes. No problems now. I believe WinDefender “spyware” is the problem.
I am using Trend, and adfly trigger this like all the time.
Microsoft have admitted that its a Windows Defender issue and are looking into the issue
They contained a Bladabindi RAT and keylogger that disabled both MBs and Defender in seconds. They’re not false +ve’s.
which d/l’s have them? I use ESET NOD along with Malwaarebytes and have never had any issues
I repeat there are no viruses in these files, I don’t know why it keeps triggering your antivirus and especially deactivating it, you can also check virustotal
Well thats very weird because as soon as it was unpacked Defender flagged it, then froze and became unresponsive. Then MB tried to quarantine it and failed – then that froze and also went unresponsive. Bladabindi is known to seize control of AVs and this seems a bit of a coincidence.
all shows clear here, I even went through all folders and no exe’s/vbs or other types of obvious files that would jump at you.
Checked the files before and after extraction with ESET and Malwarebytes, both updated to latest detection.
I downloaded from each of the downloads on its page, all showed fine.
I don’t know, I’m really sorry that this is happening, but I can assure you that there are no viruses inside the files on this site, the fact that it reported it to you even with malwarebyte is very strange, windows defender is normal because it often reports false positives, I use both and they have never given me any problems.
I’m still experimenting false positives also with some of the last files 🙁
@3dload This has been a problem long in the making and despite files not being truly infected, the false positives show no sign of getting any better…Quite the opposite actually. It has to do with the way antivirus companies signatures for files, and the signatures for archives that Winrar creates, are clashing. It’s more technically oddball than even that description can relay, but that’s the gist of the problem, at its base level. Your switch to 7z should help a bit, but archives in general are going to start giving more false positives as, it also doesn’t help that traditionally, Winrar has been used by countless malware creators, as a wrapper or injection component.
Anyway, I figured you’d like some more info to help clear things up and put your readers more at ease. There are articles about the issue, but they are rather…dated or buried within other peer researched resources. Several of them predicted this would be a problem for us in the long term, as file signatures and compressed archives, were always becoming more abundant in overall terms.
Here’s a malware research doc from 2005 that points out the scope of the situation early on, and also shows how long this problem has been in the making: https://www.virusbulletin.com/virusbulletin/2005/11/false-positive-disaster-anti-virus-vs-winrar-amp-co/
I am 100% sure that there are no viruses in the files, I have scanned my PC several times, I also often check the files with Windows Defender, malwarebytes and also with virustotal, but I don’t understand why it reports them as viruses to some people, if there really was a virus it would have to report it to everyone, at this point I think it might be more of a bug…
Hi, I understand it’s completely off topic… but can I make a request for Kelly Hair for Genesis 8 Female? I hope a request is not inappropriate. thank you in advance
No problem, I’ll put them up if I can.
depuis que tu as changé rar files to 7z…… there is no more false positifs…. i think you resolve the problem. Thank’s
this could be related
but .rar files, 7zip are not self-extracting, they are compressed using the traditional method
I’m getting a ton of failures on the 7z and rars from the last few days. Most say “The archive is either in unknown format or damaged” (winrar) or “Errors: Is not archive” (7zip). Example: GC Fiona, GC Angela.
I don’t think the problem is with the archived files themselves, I have tried extracting them both, they work perfectly. Have you tried a different file archiver? is it up to date with the latest version?
Yeah I tried both 7zip and winrar, both new installs.
Hola, muchas gracias por todo este excelente material. Un abrazo
Why not using Bandizip which the BEST ever zipperand unzipper for FREE ! no limitation, regular updates included (the premium version add extra tools only).
Here is the link if you wish
There is nothing wrong with the .rar files. This must be an isolated incident with some user. I scanned the .rar files and there are no viruses detected.
Ah Cmon… Malicious attack started again… need to use tor browser for links
Category: Intrusion Prevention
Traffic Description
5/16/2023 6:55:54 PM,Medium,An intrusion attempt by yxeepsek.net was blocked.,Blocked,No Action Required,Malicious Site: Malicious Domain Request 21,No Action Required,No Action Required,”yxeepsek.net (, 80)”,http://yxeepsek.net/rweasy/-1RVHD/17316377/_eaHR0cHM6Ly93b3JrdXBsb2FkLmNvbS9maWxlL3k0TmRnZlFDdURZ?
I don’t understand why I never have this kind of problem… unfortunately this is definitely adfly I cannot remove it from the site. if I remove it I can completely shut down the site
No! We need you.. Downloading from your web site my daily activity to discharge my stress… but I never use that things:)) I think google sign this web site as malicious, after they trace activities. they want to trace and judge everything. Never mind, with Tor browser everything working well..
I know unfortunately I can’t do anything about it, adfly seems to me the only viable alternative to not ask for money, even if the earnings are very low but at least I can pay the expenses a little. The problem is that many also unfortunately use adblock 🙁
I keep getting errors with the new ouo.io page. it keeps forcing me to click on things to prove I’m not a robot and then it kicks me to download pages for stuff that is not the file or to yahoo news pages. IF you’re keeping that site instead of Adfly, then I won’t be able to use your site.
you just need to click on i’m a human, wait 3 seconds and click on get link, just close the other pages that open
Not true. Worked one time, every time after I get spammed with garbage non-stop. Please dump this.
nope that is not working.
not working for me either 🙁
I use a vpn and i can’t see any of the images on this site 🙁 Also the whole pop-up galore is really annoying.
If it is to done to make money or compensate for cost, I do wonder if it would not be better to set up some donation / patreon instead of all these popups?
I remember when your pc crashed fooks were offering to help out?
I have never accepted any kind of donation, not even when my PC crashed, I don’t know, I have to think about it, I am aware that this kind of advertising is not the best and that it might bother many, but at the moment I think it is the best alternative to adfly, also because I don’t know any others, this is one of the most famous and reliable ones.
if the images cannot be seen it is the fault of the VPN blocking the imgur domain, you could try changing servers, or try a different VPN
Thanks for all you do! It’s not about the ads, it’s that we can’t get to the files at all. Since you switched over to ouo.io, I can’t get to a single file – I just get stuck in super sketchy pages that want me to click and even if I do I just get new sketchy pages, no files.
Also a lot of broken links that result in a blank page with stuff like It looks like the webpage at https://worldactualnewz.com/?b=2909618&ba=0&campid=14083&did=2&dm=0&ep=0&fp=0&g=US&hr=0&i18db=1&l=gnSq6b3k7lHvVR4&oaid=7d3a8d15a0024589a76ef66c6f157fa1&pshr=0&rd=0&s=685623645317636329&ssk=8caa67d4aa6cc064115524d734a74fb3&svar=1685028934&tb=5202628&tbad=5234825&vi=0&vo=0&z=1804714 might be having issues, or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
As others have said, I have no objection to advertising. You obviously incur costs running this great site, but with ouo.io it is literally impossible to download anything, and I’m concerned that some of the redirects contain malware (again, not saying your site has malware but some of the links ouo.io directs to may have).
With this new ADDs system you implemented the site feels like shit, Feels like to trying to make your users infected with all this spamwares .Can’t even DL anything,, ,forced to accepts popups and notifications and all that shit that everyone hates to accept!!! Iam leaving..
OUO press is cancer for this site!!!
The new links don’t lead to anything..tried them several times…just downloads some exe. that I have to delete. It was good while it lasted. Thank you!
Have this site been hacked. Not possible to DL anything anymore just lots of popups and browers adds that want to install something 🙁
Hello I’m too dumb to get the download link via Ouo.io.
I only get ad pages,
I hope you will move on to another link soon because this one is really unbearable
Same – and I can’t seem to get past it. Also happening on Render-State. Makes the sites unusable, which is a shame.
Install Ublock Origin and all these issue become non issues, I click on links and go right to the download pages
I wasn’t getting anything flagged as a virus with rar.
Nothing was wrong with the files only users devices, now everything on this site is being flagged as a virus for me!!