Aircraft Hawk
February 25, 2022
Iddy Biddy Milk Float
February 25, 2022Description:
A crisp autumn morning as students return to campus! Old friends (and more than friends) reunited. Disoriented freshmen trying to figure out where it is they’re supposed to be in the next five minutes. A frazzled junior explaining to the nice lady at the desk that no, he can’t make it 3 miles across campus in the ten minutes between Algebra and Microbiology and he needs another plan. And always, as on every campus, the world’s slowest elevator.
These fifteen coed poses for the Genesis 8 couple are designed to plug the busy first morning of the term straight into Fulcrum University’s gorgeous main lobby. They’re badged for the gender used to create them, but should work fairly well across genders with some minor tweaking. They’re also grouped by activity. A zero pose is included. (Note: The zero pose will return the character to world origin. To override the snap-to behavior of the poses, hold CONTROL as you apply the post and disable the toplevel translations.)
So wake up, sleepyheads! Summer is over; University life beckons you afresh! The energy. The friendships renewed. The challenges of new subjects! And, in a moment of quiet, if you listen very carefully, you can hear in the distance the crystal bell-like sound of hammer striking anvil as yet another shiny link is forged into your lifelong chain of student debt slavery! What’s not to love?