IST Emily For G9
April 20, 2024TDT-Simone for Genesis 9
April 20, 2024
The Jazz Age, Great Gatsby, and Flappers inspired Pearl Roaring Twenties Outfit for Genesis 9.
With it's sequined and fringe adorned dress, authentic flapper shoes, stockings with back seams, Gatsby style earrings, and a long knotted pearl necklace, Pearl Outfit for Genesis 9 is a fun adaptation of the 20s era.
The dress must be used with dForce so the fringe drapes with your character's movement.
The stockings are shells, so no need to worry about poking through. There are fun options for your renders with six great textures for the dress, matching colors for the shoes and headpiece feathers, plus five textures for the geoshell stockings in sheer and net.
The headpiece and necklace pearls, metal, and crystals can be changed by using any shader.