Neon Synx Props and Poses for Genesis 3 Females
January 22, 2018
N.G.S. Anagenessis for Genesis 3
January 22, 2018Description:
The Series M-1000 K, gynoid A.I. Synx was designed for the purpose of intelligence gathering and protection of SCICORP top key R&D scientists. With corporate espionage at an all time high, staying one step ahead of the competition was not an option, it was the course of doing business. The corporation with the best in A.I. Agents working for them ultimately came out on top. And when it came to the ultimate in sentient robotic hardware, Synx was without peer.
Other options include Iray Skin and 3Delight Materials, full body material options, 4 Cyborg Head materials, 2 Cyborg Torso material options, 8 eye colors, 3 eye reflections, 9 Cyborg Eye options, 6 Glowing Eyes, 7 eyeshadows, 7 Lip Colors, and 4 different eye lashes.
Separate head and body morphs and full body morphs are also included, with no navel and no nipples options, plus reset morphs.