Amber for Genesis 8 Female
May 19, 2019
Lin Ying For G8F
May 19, 2019Description:
Bellatrix is a beautiful girl with cyberpunk inspired makeups and L.I.E. tattoos that can be added to any character. She has 2 different head and body morphs, one works with the base female (Genesis 8 Female) and the other made to work with Zelara 8. She also includes a preset that turns any skin into an Alien Skin, which also can be applied to any other character of your choice.
The Bellatrix morph, for Zelara 8, is a tall figure whose body and face could easily be of a top model.
The Bellatrix Alternate morph, for Genesis 8 Female base, has standard height, is curvy and girl-next-door face.
The face maps have no eyebrows, so that you can use the included fibermesh eyebrows, or eyebrows of your choice.
Hey the product i sgood but there is a problem with the shape : it doesn’t change anything to the genesis 8 shape to add the Bellatrix shape. I think there is problem in the product.