It Girl Mix and Match Expressions for Belle 6
March 29, 2019
Skyler’s Friends – Sleepover
March 29, 2019Description:
"Atta girl!" "That's a girl!" they whisper as she goes by, while with her natural beauty and charm, she smiles. A must have for Callie 6!
Atta Girl is a pack of expressions organized in three folders (Full Face, Upper Face, and Lower Face) for Callie 6.
With them, you can apply an expression that moves all the face, or partial expressions that move only the upper or lower parts of the face.
You can apply a full face expression, or make your own mixing the upper and lower face partials. This gives you more possibilities: change your idea on the go, leave the lips that you like and choose different eyes for the expression, use the parts of the expressions that you like more, or even choose similar partials to subtly change the mouth or eyes in an animation, just like what happens in real life.
Natural expressions for real faces, with subtle asymmetries to enhance realism. Good taste expressions, no grimaces.
Although they were made especially for Callie 6, they also work on Genesis 2 Female(s), and figures based on her.