Exterminator for G8M
December 23, 2018
Z Forest Nymph – Poses for Genesis 8 Female and Victoria 8
December 23, 2018Description:
Amira includes the following:
5 custom sculpted HD expression morphs (smile full, smile shy, sad, resent, gross)
Asymmetric high-detail HD morph
Fibremesh eyebrows
Realistic skin pores and a meticulously tuned skin shader preset
Better foot bends
Head asymmetry morph
Heavily sculpted feet and a neutralizing morph in case shoes won't fit
Custom navel morph that dials in automatically with the base Genesis 8 Female Navel morph
Custom sculpted teeth with asymmetry
4 eye colors
A no-makeup and 5 makeups separated into lips and eyes
Lipgloss ON/OFF presets
Flushed cheeks LIE preset
2 Lashline LIE presets
3 metallic makeup presets
Presets for white and natural teeth color
Probably me but, once downloaded and extracted to a file, I can’t move any of it around. Properties shows Read Only and Locked, but after changing that, I still can’t Copy, Cut or Move it anywhere?
Any suggestions?
Have you tried to use winrar?
Yes, I always extract with WinRAR.
Never mind though. I’ve plenty of females to choose from.
Cheers Gray
try now!