dForce H&C Summer Casual Outfits for Genesis 8 Male(s)
December 23, 2020Flower Earrings for Genesis 8 Females
December 23, 2020
Welcome to the Abandoned Restaurant!
This beautiful and serene place, surrounded by stunning nature, brings memories back to a once-established restaurant. You get great realism from this detailed set paired with amazing lighting and camera presets.
All 4 doors are all four doors are rigged to open and you also get the empty interior as well. Trees, grass, a lamp, pebbles, a table, several chairs, and even graffiti on one of the walls adds even more detail for you to play with.
Get the Abandoned Restaurant for your sea-side, abandoned, and historic renders.
a discrepancy in size between Gofile and Mega? 30mb difference
it should be the same file