Ready Or Not 80 Animation Pack For Genesis 8
June 25, 2022Opulence G8F-V8
June 25, 2022
This package contains a sexy dance motion capture sequence which
we have converted for Genesis 8 Females.
There are two versions: Regular & Face Mojo
Face Mojo adds motion captured facial expressions to the girl.
"Face Mojo for Genesis 8 Females" is available in the DAZ store.
Don't use the Face Mojo version unless you actually have it installed,
or DAZ will most likely crash. Just use the regular animation instead
and add facial expressions.
Included, also as usual, is a script that will unlock all bones of a figure prior to applying the animations. Without the script, the fit of the poses may not be ideal.
The available sequences are:
01 Dancer
02 Dancer with Face Mojo