Beach Props
January 23, 2019Maxx HD Mega Pack for The Brute 8
January 23, 2019Description:
Herakles stared at the monster. His stepmother, Hera, had condemned him to these labours, and fighting this beast near the city of Lerna was only his second one.
Many heads writhed at him, their noxious breath causing him to gag. He readied his club, even as his nephew, Iolaus, held a brand of fire ready. With a scream, he leapt, preparing for one of the most dramatic battles of his life...
The Hydra is a vicious monster of the swamps, famed for both its healing power and the virulence of its poisonous blood. Some claim it is related to true dragons, while others proclaim it to be a demon in monstrous form. Whatever its origin, it's definitely a good reason to not travel alone through the badlands!