Genesis 2 Female(s) Wet Body Iray
August 6, 2018SC Sally for Genesis 3 Female
August 6, 2018Description:
Wet Body Iray based in Daz Geometry shells and Iray Decals is the latest version of the popular Wet Body for Daz Studio series. This version optimizes its geometry shells for Daz Studio's new rendering engine Iray and adds a set of 12 Iray Decals to the already versatile library of water skin effects.
Geometry Shells, Daz native second skins makes this product UV independent. Specially useful on Daz Genesis 3 Figures that are characterized by a variety of different UVs. This means this product is not only compatible with Victoria 7 but for every other Genesis 3 Female character from Victoria to Eva 7, Bethany 7, Teen Josie 7 as well as any other future Daz Genesis 3 Female based character released to the market.
That the water effect resides on a second layer above the character's skin makes it totally independent from other skin effects you may have setup in your character and want to keep, including the ability to try another character or texture on the fly without disturbing your water skin creations that reside on top.
The geometry shell wet effects are visible in viewport without the need to render so the library of drops can be used fully interactive. This means you immediately see when you load a drop from the library and you can move its position in the character skin by using the HORIZONTAL OFFSET and VERTICAL OFFSET sliders in the Surface Tab without the need to render or open the Layered Image Editor. This only makes correct positioning of drops 10 times faster as well as visualization of final effects.
The new Iray Drop Decals included are an alternative/complement to the geometry shells that are visible in the viewport by activation of the Iray interactive mode. The drop decals allow for drops sliding across skin animation effects using the translate sliders in the Iray Decals Parameters tab.
Geometry Shell Drops are stacked as children of your figure in the Scene Tab so you can toggle on and off visibility of effects and single drops directly on the scene tab.