Pro Lighting Studio v1.2.1 and v1.2.4 for v2.8
June 15, 2019
Silk Robe for Genesis 8 Female(s)
June 15, 2019Description:
The easiest and fastest way to create an epic scene in Iray: Use a skydome, and create the illusion of a ground plane under your object by utilizing its shadows. It’s the oldest trick in the book. But it can work remarkably well. And it renders blazingly fast---literally in seconds!
Say hello to the third installment of the “Epic Skydomes” HDRI environment series: Ocean Mountain Sunset---an exotic and beautiful ocean environment enclosed by a surreal mountainous terrain. This 360* skydome can serve multiple purposes, depending on where you turn your camera. Whether its the vast ocean water, the warm golden sunset, or the rolling mountains capped with beautiful cloud formations, this skydome has you covered.
Plus setup is simple. Just open the scene file, load your object and position the water disturbance prop and volumetric light box accordingly (you "position" your object by simply rotating camera as needed). Press render and in seconds, presto! Instant epic. (User Guide included).